Monday, March 12, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Feb 28 Two Es at Central Library
Before dinner, I spent a little time at the 10/F of Central Library. There, you can find something you have not expected for (also you cannot find what you aim for). Yesterday, I read 2 books of 2 Es artists: Enrico Donati and Ernst Haas.

I am always overwhelmed by the Art Library because......the oversize books are always too big and heavy for me. But it keeps me patient to flip the books for a longer time otherwise it will be tiring to put the books up and down.

What the work of Donati attracted me was the clear-cut lines and colorful patterns. His story was also interesting as he originally was a musician and became a painter in his 30s. His style switched from surrealism to abstracism and back to surrealism in his old time.
About him and his work:
He was also a close friend of Duchamp though their friendship was based on chess more than on art.
It was a good time-killing activity to sketch the painting.
I used several minutes before leaving for dinner to take a glimspe of the Photography corner and I picked the retrospective works of Ernst Hass.
Not particularly like or dislike, his photos show me what he saw and where he went but still I couldn't see what he thought. Have to see more?
I think I haven't listened to 徐小鳯 so many times like yesterday to find out what the original Japanese song of her song <無奈> is. Actually it wasn't found out by me. Thank you Dean!
The story:http://eelll.com/chen/?p=725
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Feb 27 Everybody is running?!
Run with you and Dined out with you guys were amazing. You guys are my inspiration from.
九龍仔公園 is a relaxing place to run or jog. Supposingly I should run with you 2.4 miles in 15 minutes though it finally turned into just a 5-minute run but 45-minute jog. But I am sure we can break this record next time. It was a meaningful Saturday.
Sorry for my poor Chinese for mixing up two words 屋頂 and 天台 yesterday though I found out later that the translation for rooftop is 屋頂. Surprised to know so many people running for the soon coming marathon. I swear I will join next year for 10 miles in a hour. Though I am a person who always makes promises which never come true......
Working for 2 days, I finally got part of my Europe Travelogue done. Though there is still long long long way to go for the writing part, I have finished the layout of the photo part which still has to be under a lot of amendment with your help. Please.......thanks!
九龍仔公園 is a relaxing place to run or jog. Supposingly I should run with you 2.4 miles in 15 minutes though it finally turned into just a 5-minute run but 45-minute jog. But I am sure we can break this record next time. It was a meaningful Saturday.
Sorry for my poor Chinese for mixing up two words 屋頂 and 天台 yesterday though I found out later that the translation for rooftop is 屋頂. Surprised to know so many people running for the soon coming marathon. I swear I will join next year for 10 miles in a hour. Though I am a person who always makes promises which never come true......
Working for 2 days, I finally got part of my Europe Travelogue done. Though there is still long long long way to go for the writing part, I have finished the layout of the photo part which still has to be under a lot of amendment with your help. Please.......thanks!
Friday, February 23, 2007
Feb 23 Diana Krall from Aiko
I knew nothing about Jazz until the day I listened to the Jazz Radio Channel on the flight from London to Hong Kong last month. I was attracted to the song "Let's Fall in Love" by Diana Karll. I told myself, maybe this year, I should pick one more kind of music to indulge in other than pop which is Jazz. I did search for some CDs in HMV alone. Entering the Jazz corner there, I was lost. I really didn't know how to pick the good one among hundreds with horrible CD covers in bad design. I gave up and one month past.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Feb 21 One more time, One more chance
It is a song by 山崎まさよしten years ago. Why this song is selected for 「秒速5センチメートル」 because it is a song that everybody knows and can move everybody. Just simply that?
自己也不知道為何了一次又一次地重複地聽這首歌. 可能是看了動畫的關係吧. 坦白說, 這是一首很典型的日本情歌罷了,也許,對日本人來說,這歌會有另一番意義?
When searching on the web and online dictionary, I found the Chinese translation for this song.
One more time, One more chance
これ以上何を失えば 心は許されるの
どれほどの痛みならば もう一度君に会える
one more time 季節よ うつろわないで
one more time ふざけあった 時間よ
くいちがう時はいつも 僕が先に折れた
ねわがままな性格が なおさら愛しくさせた
one more chance 記憶に足を取られて
one more chance 次の場所を選べない
いつでも探しているよ どっかに君の姿を
向かいのホーム 路地裏の窓
願いがもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへ
できないことは もう何もない
寂しさ紛らすだけなら 誰でもいいはずなのに
星が落ちそうな夜だから 自分をいつわれない
one more time 季節よ うつろわないで
one more time ふざけあった 時間よ
いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を
交差点でも 夢の中でも
奇跡がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に見せたい
新しい朝 これからの僕
いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を
明け方の街 桜木町で
願いがもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへ
できないことは もう何もない
いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の破片を
旅先の店 新聞の隅
奇跡がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に見せたい
新しい朝 これからの僕
いつでも捜してしまう どっかに君の笑顔を
急行待ちの 踏切あたり
命が繰り返すならば 何度も君のもとへ
欲しいものなど もう何もない
自己也不知道為何了一次又一次地重複地聽這首歌. 可能是看了動畫的關係吧. 坦白說, 這是一首很典型的日本情歌罷了,也許,對日本人來說,這歌會有另一番意義?
When searching on the web and online dictionary, I found the Chinese translation for this song.
One more time, One more chance
これ以上何を失えば 心は許されるの
どれほどの痛みならば もう一度君に会える
one more time 季節よ うつろわないで
one more time ふざけあった 時間よ
くいちがう時はいつも 僕が先に折れた
ねわがままな性格が なおさら愛しくさせた
one more chance 記憶に足を取られて
one more chance 次の場所を選べない
いつでも探しているよ どっかに君の姿を
向かいのホーム 路地裏の窓
願いがもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへ
できないことは もう何もない
寂しさ紛らすだけなら 誰でもいいはずなのに
星が落ちそうな夜だから 自分をいつわれない
one more time 季節よ うつろわないで
one more time ふざけあった 時間よ
いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を
交差点でも 夢の中でも
奇跡がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に見せたい
新しい朝 これからの僕
いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を
明け方の街 桜木町で
願いがもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへ
できないことは もう何もない
いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の破片を
旅先の店 新聞の隅
奇跡がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に見せたい
新しい朝 これからの僕
いつでも捜してしまう どっかに君の笑顔を
急行待ちの 踏切あたり
命が繰り返すならば 何度も君のもとへ
欲しいものなど もう何もない
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Feb 20 Fortune Sticks and Shinkai Makoto
What I got today @ Temple is
No. 3 - My Health
No. 32 - My Career
No. 35 - My Human Relationship
Three are my bad luck numbers this year.
Just like the firework display yesterday. Everything were covered under the misty sky.
It was romantic or disappointing, depending on your point of view.

今天看了新海誠 (Shinkai Makoto) 的新片「秒速5センチメートル」第1話「桜花抄」.男主角坐JR從新宿站經過大宮到岩舟跟他青梅竹馬的女朋友見面的故事,令我想起以往住在土呂的日子.
跟他一樣, 要在大宮的月台等待乘坐宇都治線的列車, 既沉寂又漫長. 看著綠紅黃顏色的電子板顯示著列車到站的時刻表,時間好像停止了一樣. 直至火車到站的那一瞬間, "呠"的車聲和微黃的車頭燈突然把各人從書本, 音樂, 漫畫, 睡夢或冥想中喚醒過來......看著看著, 東京的一切,像翻倒了盛載滿照片的箱子般, 傾瀉出來. 櫻花,紅葉和粉雪, 即使在無數的片子內出現過多少篇,還是有"他"們獨特的魅力......很高興今天看了這個片子, 帶我回到短暫而理想化了的過去......那些偉大而沉重的東西,都離我遠遠的, 眼睛和耳朵看到和聽到的,能帶我到某一個我想到的地方, 就可以了......
貪新忘舊的我並沒有重讀書本的習慣. 由於膚淺的性格所使然,書本好看,精彩的定義在於能否把它讀完.
"現代的人們,常覺得自己困擾於許多難題中,而大部份與他的人生有密切之關係,他一方面羨慕Diogenes (http://ancienthistory.about.com/cs/people/g/Diogenescynic.htm)的逃襌的理想,同時又捨不得錯過一場好戲或一張轟動的影片的機會,這就是我們所謂的摩登人物之不安頓的心情."
"世間沒有一個人感到絕對的滿足. 大家都想做另一個人,只要這另一個人不是他自己.這種人類的特性無疑地是由於我們有想像的力量和夢想的才能.一個人的力量越大,便越不能感到滿足......夢想無論多麼模糊,總會潛藏起來,使我們的心境永遠得不到寧静,直到這些夢想變成現實的事情,像種子在地下萌芽,一定會伸出地面來尋找陽光.夢想是很真實的東西......我們也有產生混亂的夢想和不與現實相符的夢想的危險.因為夢想也是逃避的方法:一個做夢者常常夢想要逃避這個世界,可是不知道要逃避到哪裏去......人類有一種強烈的欲望,想和今日的我們不同,想離開現在的常軌,因此任何可以變遷的事物,對一般人往往有一種偉大的誘力."
Today, I am still living under clearing and reviewing. I have to start something of creating......Otherwise, the seed never grows and I really will end up in nowhere to go.

80 年 出 生 : 懶 於 工 作 今 年 為 貴 人 舒 服 年 , 對 任 何 工 作 都 提 不 起 勁 , 浪 費 光 陰 , 宜 加 把 勁 。
This comment is not just applied to this year only.......it may be applied to my whole life......
No. 3 - My Health
No. 32 - My Career
No. 35 - My Human Relationship

Just like the firework display yesterday. Everything were covered under the misty sky.
It was romantic or disappointing, depending on your point of view.

今天看了新海誠 (Shinkai Makoto) 的新片「秒速5センチメートル」第1話「桜花抄」.男主角坐JR從新宿站經過大宮到岩舟跟他青梅竹馬的女朋友見面的故事,令我想起以往住在土呂的日子.
跟他一樣, 要在大宮的月台等待乘坐宇都治線的列車, 既沉寂又漫長. 看著綠紅黃顏色的電子板顯示著列車到站的時刻表,時間好像停止了一樣. 直至火車到站的那一瞬間, "呠"的車聲和微黃的車頭燈突然把各人從書本, 音樂, 漫畫, 睡夢或冥想中喚醒過來......看著看著, 東京的一切,像翻倒了盛載滿照片的箱子般, 傾瀉出來. 櫻花,紅葉和粉雪, 即使在無數的片子內出現過多少篇,還是有"他"們獨特的魅力......很高興今天看了這個片子, 帶我回到短暫而理想化了的過去......那些偉大而沉重的東西,都離我遠遠的, 眼睛和耳朵看到和聽到的,能帶我到某一個我想到的地方, 就可以了......
February 11 Jobless
I quitted my job AGAIN.
I am like doing a survey for my friends.
I was told, "wow, you are so free......."
Then, I was asked, "what are you going to do next? found another job already?"
I replied, "I dunno and jobless now."
And I was questioned, "what do you want to do?"I usually said, "I dunno really."
Then, I was given a comfort of, "doesn't matter, take a rest first."
I wonder, "do I really need a rest?"
Talking with him, he's immigrating to Canada because of well social welfare there.
One year younger than me but 10+ year more mature than me.
So happy for him that he knew what exactly he should do for the rest of his life at 25 years old.
Quite want to know what a feeling it is?
Took out the flyers and pamplets I collected during my Europe trip and typed the diary today.
Can't believe it was already one month ago.
The film photos I scanned are even taken 3 months ago.
Apart from the paper, photos and memory, anymore left?
I quitted my job AGAIN.
I am like doing a survey for my friends.
I was told, "wow, you are so free......."
Then, I was asked, "what are you going to do next? found another job already?"
I replied, "I dunno and jobless now."
And I was questioned, "what do you want to do?"I usually said, "I dunno really."
Then, I was given a comfort of, "doesn't matter, take a rest first."
I wonder, "do I really need a rest?"
Talking with him, he's immigrating to Canada because of well social welfare there.
One year younger than me but 10+ year more mature than me.
So happy for him that he knew what exactly he should do for the rest of his life at 25 years old.
Quite want to know what a feeling it is?
Took out the flyers and pamplets I collected during my Europe trip and typed the diary today.
Can't believe it was already one month ago.
The film photos I scanned are even taken 3 months ago.
Apart from the paper, photos and memory, anymore left?
February 12 Unusual Artists
Here is the TV news report I watched this morning.
A man without two arms who is a painter is going to hold a painting exhibition.
A blind woman who is a photographer is going to hold a photo exhibition.
I just feel shameful to hear the news. Although I get two arms and normal eyes,I could not do anything meaningful. What I did today was only.....
Here is the TV news report I watched this morning.

A man without two arms who is a painter is going to hold a painting exhibition.
A blind woman who is a photographer is going to hold a photo exhibition.
I just feel shameful to hear the news. Although I get two arms and normal eyes,I could not do anything meaningful. What I did today was only.....
February 13 Re-read 林語堂The photos attached are not taken at the second-hand book shop or any 夜冷店.
It is taken at one of the corners of my bedroom.
As a person with a messy mind leading a messy life, it is not astonishing for me to own a messy room.
However, being unemployed, I finally have time to clear the rubbish......
It is taken at one of the corners of my bedroom.
As a person with a messy mind leading a messy life, it is not astonishing for me to own a messy room.
However, being unemployed, I finally have time to clear the rubbish......

貪新忘舊的我並沒有重讀書本的習慣. 由於膚淺的性格所使然,書本好看,精彩的定義在於能否把它讀完.
"現代的人們,常覺得自己困擾於許多難題中,而大部份與他的人生有密切之關係,他一方面羨慕Diogenes (http://ancienthistory.about.com/cs/people/g/Diogenescynic.htm)的逃襌的理想,同時又捨不得錯過一場好戲或一張轟動的影片的機會,這就是我們所謂的摩登人物之不安頓的心情."
"世間沒有一個人感到絕對的滿足. 大家都想做另一個人,只要這另一個人不是他自己.這種人類的特性無疑地是由於我們有想像的力量和夢想的才能.一個人的力量越大,便越不能感到滿足......夢想無論多麼模糊,總會潛藏起來,使我們的心境永遠得不到寧静,直到這些夢想變成現實的事情,像種子在地下萌芽,一定會伸出地面來尋找陽光.夢想是很真實的東西......我們也有產生混亂的夢想和不與現實相符的夢想的危險.因為夢想也是逃避的方法:一個做夢者常常夢想要逃避這個世界,可是不知道要逃避到哪裏去......人類有一種強烈的欲望,想和今日的我們不同,想離開現在的常軌,因此任何可以變遷的事物,對一般人往往有一種偉大的誘力."
Today, I am still living under clearing and reviewing. I have to start something of creating......Otherwise, the seed never grows and I really will end up in nowhere to go.
February 16 What I did in the year of dog?I scanned my old sketches today. Boring sketches.
It seems I started to repeat drawing the same things....like my photos.
It is sad to feel boring of the stuff you made.
It seems I started to repeat drawing the same things....like my photos.
It is sad to feel boring of the stuff you made.

80 年 出 生 : 懶 於 工 作 今 年 為 貴 人 舒 服 年 , 對 任 何 工 作 都 提 不 起 勁 , 浪 費 光 陰 , 宜 加 把 勁 。
This comment is not just applied to this year only.......it may be applied to my whole life......
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