Monday, January 30, 2012

Written by my old friend

This is the book written by the boyfriend of my best friend who passed away years ago. He had the idea when I met him and I feel so proud of him that he could make it.Just watched a NHK program at youtube, about the relationship between 宮崎駿 Hayao Miyazaki and his son 宮崎吾朗 Goro Miyazaki when the time making Goro's movie, "コクリコ坂から Kokurikozaka Kara". The father kept saying besides want to do, it is also about the ability. And one need to put all his life when doing one thing. He is making the animation to encourage all the Japanese when the time after 311 Earthquake in Japan. That is really touching that he is such a great animation director that with the love to the world.要事成,只能全力以赴。即使宮崎駿認為兒子力有不逮。但兒子的毅力郤令事情得以完成並感動觀眾,那已經是非一般的成就。真的,能成功的,在世上又有多少人?昨天,看了ART MAP的最後一期,內文有一篇關於有位新聞從業員失業以後以電影渡日的文章。他喜愛Mike Leigh的電影"Another Year",說了一首詩『春有百花秋有月,夏有涼風冬有雪;若無閒事掛心頭,便是人間好時節』,頓時有感。春秋代序,陰陽慘舒,物色之動,心亦搖焉,本是正常。但如能接受逆境的無常,處之泰然,那末,什麼景況都是好時光。自勉之。

Update on 30.10.2012:

Bought at and got Loco to sign on my book as well. Finished reading it and found that my name appears in the book, cried many times when reading the name "Aiko".Aiko, so bad that you are not here,that I could not discuss with you. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2012 Reading

Keeping reading a book about two Korean girls studying illustration & animation in Kingston University in London. Such a coincidence that my colleague Berry and his boyfriend also studied there. Even though their works are not amazing, hearing their stories about the projects they involved at school and the step being famous is interesting.

One of the tutors of them said, "drawing is like breathing, it becomes a must everyday" really inspired me. Although I know this passion won't last long, I picked up my muji sketch book again and hope I will do some sketching of people's face if possible. That is my weakness and I really wanna overcome it.

Another inspiration is book binding/ folding book /Research Book. The author always used the skill of making a "chap book" when presenting her homework. I really wanna try it as well.
Below is a useful link.

There are some famous illustrators mentioned in the book.

David Hughes:
- Sandy Turner @ New Yorker
- Silent Night
- Grow Up
- Cool Cat Hot Dog

Paul Slater - Engraving

Sarah Fanelli - Graphic Novel
- The Button

Emily Gravett
- Wolves

Sarah Dyer:
- Five Little Friends
- Nestle Smarties Awards

Jez Alborough
- Watch Out! Big Bro's coming
Dave Mckean (who is one of the creators of Coraline):
- Short Film "The Week Before"
- neon
- World's End
- The Wolves in Walls
- Mirror Mask
- Cages
- SandmanLauren Child - Charlie & Lola
Is this guy crazy? Oh my god!

John Tenniel
- Alice in Wonderland Engraving

Animation Festival
Muybrigde Festival

British Animation Awards

Holland Animation & Film Festival

Annecy International Animation Film Festival

Bologna Children's Book Fair

Hayward Gallery